Wednesday 19 October 2016

I got this - I quit - is that ideal? or real?

Last time I wrote about knowing the stress triggers and what was going on with that.
It was about being seriously unhappy doing a job that I was asked to do thinking I was helping. Truth was it didn't help -ME -right? and I wrote down all the things that were going off.

 - the morning rush to get ready
 - what to wear -need more clothes(go shopping)
 - the traffic -gives me something to moan about and I feel like I'm in the city crowd 
 - having to dash for morning coffee, and then do it again mid morning, like one isn't enough
 - say yes to everything - even the bosses issues
 - I can do it - because I'm asked 
 - feeling wanted, needed and useful again (as if I wasn't already)
 - oh and the extra money - I think now the costs far out weigh the extra $

So now I’m back to doing what makes me happy - trust me theres a big list. I now know what works for me.

The biggest thing I’ve learned?
 - use my NO muscle - say NO

in reality it goes like this - 

 - there is no rush, if you plan and set yourself up for the day the rush goes away
 - it doesn't matter what you wear - people are kind and say how great you look anyway. Most of us know what dress code is and will naturally comply. Just because the elastic on your waist is gone and you are using a safety pin the rest of the world cant see it under your blouse. And your trousers/skirt still look good -right?
 - find another way to get to where you are going - or arrange to travel outside of peak times.Can you work from home? can you go early and do a walk in the park(fine weather thing)? or join a gym near work? public transport? its not to bad from Gulf Harbour to AK city, where I live.
 - ah the coffee thing - its a hormone disruptor and not worth the slurp - try decaf or just get tea, there are hundreds of great teas that are helpful to your body.
 - and don’t say ‘yes’ to everything - flex your no muscle - ask for help - you might be surprised
 - I can do it - put boundaries in place about what I will do - stay later than I should? No. Got important people to see? Yes. My family.
 - and I am wanted - no bounty on my head - get the thoughts going in your mind that support you!
 - and a girls got to live - so money is important. Find a way to improve your relationship with money. Manage it for a start. Know whats in your bank account and what payments are due. Get on top of it. Take half a day to set yourself up with a budget, a plan and a way into your future.

and theres a few other things - but thats another story.

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